Google Ads

How I Went From Earning $30 to $400 Per Hour As A Google Ads Freelancer

21 · by Dennis Moons · Updated on 30 May 2023

2023 marked my 10 year anniversary as an independent consultant.

Thinking back about these 10 years, I realized a lot has happened!

So in this article, I’d like to take you through my journey of starting out as a jack of all trades freelancer, all the way to becoming an international Google Ads expert.

I’ll share some of the lessons I learned as I became better at my craft and better at business in general.

I’m confident that talking about all the mistakes I made will help you accelerate your own journey.

Let’s get started!

The Passive Income Dream (2011)

In 2011, I arrived back home in Belgium after spending 1.5 years doing an internship in Brazil.

During that time, most of my friends had gotten comfy jobs. But even a few years in I could start to see the cracks of the traditional career path: jobs weren’t that fulfilling, extreme hours, etc.

So instead of looking for a similar job, I figured I would try to go out on my own.

My biggest inspiration during that time was The 4 Hour Workweek, a book by Tim Ferris.

4 hour workweek

If you haven’t read it: it basically boils down to setting up a business that runs on autopilot. Decoupling revenue from the time you spend on the business.

This sounded great, so for a few months, I pursued all kinds of ideas: chewing gum for runners, supplements for endurance athletes, importing electronics, etc.

After 3 months of putting in very long hours, I had made exactly €0, nor did I have any prospects of making a living.

So instead of pursuing radical new business ideas, I started thinking about what I could do to make money tomorrow.

The only thing on my list was the skills that I had picked up during my Brazilian internship.

In that company, I had been doing all kinds of online marketing things.

So I shifted my focus in that direction.

Foolish Freelancer (2011)

When I decided I was going to be a freelancer, I didn’t really have any contacts or know people that could potentially hire me.

So to make a living, I needed to find those clients myself.

This was my approach to finding them:

  1. Create a list of Belgian software companies (I had some experience here)
  2. Find contact details
  3. Send email (see an example below)
  4. Follow-up via email/phone
  5. Get meeting
  6. Pitch services

Here is an example of such an email:

cold email pitch

Even though I got ok response rates on the emails I sent out, I really felt I was going nowhere.

The main reason for that was the rejection, coupled with the feeling that no one really wanted what I had to offer.

I dreaded getting started in the morning.

But even though I hated doing it, I did manage to secure my first “pitch meeting”.

I went to the headquarters of that company and did a whole presentation on what they could do to improve their marketing.

A day later I followed up with a $150 proposal for an SEO project.

Here is the OG version of that:

my first proposal

This first project came 4 months after starting my business, and about a month after I had gotten serious about freelancing.

My hourly rate at this point? $30/hour.

Lesson: Instead of trying to come up with a world-changing innovative business idea, focus on what you already know (skills, industry knowledge, contacts, etc.)

Sidenote: after this initial project, I kept working with this client for many years. In the end, sending out that cold email probably resulted in close to 6 figures in revenue!

I realize there is a lot of luck involved so wouldn’t recommend this strategy 😅

Subcontracting (2011 – 2020)

Trying to find and close clients through this outreach also engrained an aversion for cold calling in me.

Even if you’re successful at this strategy, the “success rates” are so low that you’ll have to deal with rejection most of the time.

I found this to be very energy-draining.

At this point, I had found my first few clients, which brought in some money. But I still had a lot of free time.

I didn’t want to do more cold calling, so decided to use the free time I had to start networking. And for a couple of years, I probably attended every start-up event there was in Belgium.

Like the monthly Betagroup meetings in Brussels:

betagroup meeting brussels 2012
I know I’m somewhere in this picture but I can’t find myself 😛

The picture above does not look very sexy. It’s basically just a room in a school.

But it was buzzing with ideas and energy. All entrepreneurs pursuing ideas and companies.

Although I didn’t realize it at the time, the contacts I made during these events would form the foundation of my network.

One of those contacts was Hubert, who’d started his marketing agency a year before.

huber sebastien universem
Hubert and his business partner Sebastien from Universem 🙂

Back then, their marketing agency, Universem, was mainly focused on the French-speaking part of Belgium, and they could use some support in Dutch (it’s my mother tongue).

So I started subcontracting for them, and have done so for a long time!

Working with this established agency not only helped me to earn more, but it also allowed me to work with a higher caliber of clients. Ones with more ambition and bigger budgets than the clients I could find on my own.

My hourly rate at this point: €40/hour

Lesson: stop trying to “sell” to people. If you’re just a solo operator, you can’t afford to do all of the education AND sell them.

Instead, work with businesses that already have more work than they can handle.

Bodyshopping (2012 – 2013)

Having a couple of clients of my own and adding some hours of subcontracting helped to fill my schedule.

I felt really busy.

But when I started tracking how I was spending my time, I was quite surprised.

If you plan to work an average of 8 hours, you figure you can do 8 clients per day and spend 1 hour on each.

Writing this I realize how naive that sounds. Switching costs and keeping recharged in between work means that a day that’s supposed to be 8 hours, will actually take 10-12 hours.

At the same time, I started getting requests for longer-term projects.

One such assignment led me to work 4 out of 5 days a week for a single client.

Although I technically was a freelancer, in reality, these assignments aren’t much different than being an employee.

You’re working on-site, and according to their schedule. “They want to do a 4-hour meeting? Great! That’s half a day gone!”

At first, this was a pretty great period. Working full days for one client meant less context switching, which allowed me to deliver better work in a shorter period of time.

Financially this also was a lot better. Rather than having empty spots in my calendar, I could now bill 8 hours, 4 days a week.

At an hourly rate of €50, that meant I was making €1600 a week. So for the first time in my career, I was actually making some money!

Lesson: As a freelancer, you’re responsible for every hour of your day. So pay close attention to where your time is going. If a task takes 2 hours, make sure you charge for 2!

Getting focused (2014)

As I outlined in the previous section, working almost full-time for a single client resulted in a healthy profit.

But after a few months, I started having second thoughts about it.

Being part of bigger clients also meant dealing with corporate whims and plans I didn’t always agree with.

But as the lowest-paid contractor, your ability to influence decisions is very limited. So it’s either accept the course or get out.

During all this time, I always kept one day a week to work on my own business.

That was nowhere enough, but it did kickstart some other things.

Because during that one day a week, I worked from a coworking space in Antwerp, called Burooz.

barcamp antwerpen 2013 burooz
Picture of a Barcamp event hosted at Burooz.

It was a good place to meet fellow entrepreneurs. And together with Kurt, the owner of the space, I helped to organize monthly mastermind sessions.

During these sessions, we got together with other members from the coworking space and gave each input and feedback on the challenges we were facing.

It was these discussions that helped me to shift into a higher gear, leading to a couple of BIG decisions.

First, I re-examined my business model.

Instead of selling my time by the hour, I was going to charge a fixed fee. So if I managed to do the work faster, my effective hourly rate would go up.

The second big decision had to do with the services I was going to offer.

Until that point in my career, I had helped clients with many different parts of online marketing:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media
  • Email Marketing
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Search Engine Advertising (SEA)

I was getting quite good results with Google Ads, so I decided to focus exclusively on running campaigns for clients.

The third big decision had to do with how (and where) I was working.

In 2014, I set out to travel the world together with my wife, while still working at the same time.

We spent almost two years on the road as digital nomads, switching places every couple of months: Brazil, Argentina, France, Indonesia, South Korea, and Thailand.

The stereotype of a digital nomad is someone sitting on a beach with a laptop.

But while the setting often looks very exotic, many people do work hard 🙂

Here is a picture of me and my wife when we were featured in a Belgian news article:

article trends
We were featured in the Belgian business weekly, Trends

Even though I was far away from Belgium, I did manage to pick up new projects.

Both from my existing network, but also from people we met on the road. A lot of digital nomads work as freelancers, so there are plenty of opportunities to collaborate on client projects.

Hourly rate: €60/hour

Lesson: When you’re financially comfortable, it’s very easy to keep things as they are. But figuring out what you want out of life and following through on making that a reality is very rewarding.

Building an agency (2015 – 2016)

While I was on the road, the number of clients I was managing Google Ads for kept growing.

At one point I was managing 18 different Google Ads accounts. Which was pushing the limits of my sanity. (If you’re working with 18 different businesses, you can rest assured that there are always fires to put out!)

My ambition was to “build a real business”. So naturally, I needed to hire people to do the work for me.

Instead of hiring employees, I figured I would start with subcontractors. So naturally, I became an agency.

Here is what my website looked like back then:

website black belt robots
The website of my “agency”

Since I had all the contacts with the clients, the idea was that I would do the account management, and the subcontractors would do the actual work.

I had created a couple of processes, bought expensive Google Ads optimization software, and put a clear routine in place.

But after 6-7 months of experimenting with different subcontractors, it became clear that this wouldn’t work.

Even though more money was coming in, clients were upset because results weren’t there, I was working harder than before and my bank balance was dwindling.

At the time I didn’t really understand why the agency thing wasn’t working. So I internalized that working with employees wasn’t for me.

Since then, I have learned what the problem was.

  1. I didn’t have the right processes
  2. I didn’t have the right people
  3. I didn’t have the right financials (aka was charging too little)

The business just wasn’t ready to add more people.

This great Twitter thread by Sean McCabe sums it up pretty well:

twitter sean mccabe hiring

At this point, I started charging clients a fixed monthly retainer, like $500/mo, to manage their ad campaigns.

I tried to stay away from hourly rates in client discussions. But internally I was still using one to calculate costs.

Hourly rate: €60/hour

Lesson: Being a freelancer or building an agency are two worthwhile paths. But to be successful at one or the other requires clear choices and a clear strategy. Otherwise, you end up somewhere in the messy middle, which makes your life a lot harder.

Exploring Content Marketing (2015-2019)

After a failed attempt at building an agency, I decided I would go all in on being the best Google Ads freelancer I could be.

I knew that I had to niche down to increase my value (and rate!).

I had already picked Google Ads as my skill, now it was time to pick a specific audience.

From all the clients I had, my ecommerce clients were the most challenging and rewarding. Since there is a very clear link between what you do and its impact, there is no hiding.

So this accountability pushed me to keep improving my game.

To reposition my business, I rebranded as Store Growers.

website store growers 2014
The first version of this site 😅

In the past, I had always been writing blog posts and email newsletters, but with this new site, I really went for it.

I started to write long-form, in-depth articles on Google Ads.

And for the first few months, no one was reading.

During the first year of the site, 5704 people visited the site.

store growers website visitors 2015

That’s 15 visitors per day.

This isn’t bad, but it certainly isn’t going to result in a flood of new client work!

In fact, only after 2 years of putting out monthly blog posts, I got the first lead from my website!

But even though progress was slow, I kept investing in the site, creating more and better content.

Today my website traffic is the lifeblood of my business.

I’ve got a healthy lead flow that would make many agencies jealous.

So looking back at it now, sharing my expertise was probably one of the most valuable things I’ve ever done.

But creating content means that you’re not earning money for clients.

So it’s important to strategically think about what you share and where you share it.

If your ideal clients aren’t on Instagram, it doesn’t matter if you spend 5 hours a day creating Stories.

Lesson: you don’t have to spend the time to build a blog and write articles. But if you want to share your expertise, you will have to invest time consistently to see results.

Bonus: Share your knowledge where other people already hang out. Like in a Facebook group or speaking during an (online) event.

Working With Winners (2019 – …)

In the years after, things became a lot easier.

I was focusing on a specific type of client which allowed me to get good results which helped me get referrals.

Besides that, my website was producing a steady stream of high-quality leads.

That meant that I was in a position to turn down clients.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but this is the moment when you can take your business to the next level!

Being able to turn down clients means freedom:

  • You can choose which clients you work with
  • Because you’re in high demand, you can increase your rates
  • This means you could work less and earn the same (if you wanted)
  • Etc.

Because you can be very selective about who you work with, it also enables you to do better work.

When I first started I wasn’t picky about which clients I worked with. If they wanted to work with me and could afford my fee, I was in.

Over the years, I became a bit pickier. About which types of businesses I would work for, which industries I wouldn’t.

Then it became more about whether or not I could learn something from a client.

Finally, the most important realization came from a book by Marshall Goldsmith. I don’t remember the exact words, but it went something like this:

If you want to be a successful coach, start working with successful people.

It seems almost too simple, but it is very true.

If you can only work with a single business, why not pick the business that has everything going right for them?

Since adhering to that rule, I’ve started working with a higher caliber of clients, delivered better results, and have generally enjoyed the work a lot more!

Hourly rate: €75-200/hour (although I would mostly work project-based)

Lesson: Pick the right clients. If you want to earn X, pick a client that can afford that rate. You might be able to sell a business on something too expensive. But if it’s not in their best interest, they aren’t going to stick around.

The Coach (2020 -…)

That brings me to where I’m at today.

I’m still working with a few select clients, they pay me a monthly retainer.

If you go to my contact page, you’ll see that I’m not looking for new clients.

Why is that?

After 10 years of being a Google Ads freelancer, I’m more interested in helping businesses on a different level.

I do more coaching, and with our courses I help companies to build up their skillset internally.

Hourly rate: $400 / hour

I’m not going to lie, if you charge $400 per hour, it significantly cuts down the number of people that are interested in working together.

So why charge so much?

The simplest reason is that I know I can deliver the value. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients and have managed millions in ad spend. So for the businesses that I do work with, I’m confident I produce a lot more value compared to what they’re paying.

The second reason is all about signaling, which might sound a little self-serving.

But if you’re a business owner, you’re going to treat someone you’re paying $400/hour very differently compared to $30/hour.

This doesn’t mean you should be a jerk to people that are earning $30/hour. Not at all!

At $30/hour, your day-to-day work is mainly focused on execution. You might have great ideas. But you lack the expertise and influence to sell them effectively to the people that have the authority or budget.

But at $400/hour, executives want to hear those great ideas. Or they might need you to help shape theirs!

Lesson: the amount a business is paying you relative to their overall revenue will determine the impact you can have. This doesn’t mean you always have to aim to charge the maximum amount you can every time. But I have found that clients that pay higher rates generally are nicer to work with compared to clients that pay lower rates.

What’s next?

While writing this post, I kept thinking about how much faster I could progress if I had known all of this when starting.

In fact, I had a pretty good view of this when my wife became a freelancer herself. About 5 years ago, she took a lot of these lessons and applied them.

She’s super smart and a quick learner, and today she is earning over 6 figures a year as a freelancer.

That was a reminder of the transformation that the right information can help someone accomplish.

If you’re still reading, thank you 🙏

Let me know in the comments what you learned that can improve your business 👇

Dennis Moons

Dennis Moons is the founder and lead instructor at Store Growers.

He's a Google Ads expert with over 12 years of experience in running Google Ads campaigns.

During this time he has managed more than $5 million in ad spend and worked with clients ranging from small businesses to global brands. His goal is to provide advice that allows you to compete effectively in Google Ads.

Follow him on Twitter or LinkedIn.


21 responses on "How I Went From Earning $30 to $400 Per Hour As A Google Ads Freelancer"

  1. Perry says:

    Great content as always Dennis… to anyone reading this blog wondering whether Dennis is worth €400 per hour, I can hand on heart say that the 4 or 5 coaching calls we’ve had have been worth 5x that!

    1. Dennis says:

      Thanks Perry! I really appreciate your comment.

      Working with clients like you guys is always a pleasure. You’re willing to put in the work and bring of a lot of insights on your own as well. That’s a combination that’s a recipe for success 🙂

  2. Rodney Lover says:

    Loved the breakdown of your journey Dennis.

    By your writings I’ve always got a sense you have a keen ear to hear important learnings whispered to you along the way.

    So cool!

    My journey was a little similar…

    I started off following an Adwords guru in 2006 and after a time developed an intent to create a strong side hustle of marketing consulting.

    My real world experience was daily marketing our family furniture business and working a couple online ventures created after reading – what else – Tim’s 4 Hour Work Week. (I wonder how many dollars of revenue that book has sparked?)

    Had I been younger, I may have met you on the road lol… but by that time I had 3 young children and a home with my beautiful wife.

    In 2010, I became the outsourced “Google Guy” for a couple marketing agencies. That was a better source of leads than cold calling for sure. They trusted their agency and with one short email intro, they trusted me. That was a learning… Find people who are trusted by the clients you want and lean on that relationship.

    With our furniture business still my main income, I scrutinized the interest and understanding my clients had in what I was doing for them online. I didn’t want to serve people who didn’t really care about online marketing. I didn’t want to be their “box to check off” on their list of marketing todos. It seemed passionless. I also raised my hourly rate.

    About 2014, I was getting very much into the principal written about by Ferriss, who was inspired by books by Richard Koch… That is… 80/20’ing life. Family and work life is busy and I needed to pair down. I really started considering what in life gave me the best return on investment. I listed my ventures and volunteer positions all down and ranked them a couple ways. What gave the highest joy vs. time return. What was the best time vs. money return? Focus is so important. I started winding down a few things through this analysis. My learning? Saying “time’s up on this” is a super power.

    In the last few years I’ve focused much more on keeping a relaxed calendar – so I can have time with my wife, my young adult kids, to relax, to take care of my health and to have time just to sit and think. Hours and Days are irreplaceable.

    Luckily, I’ve found quality people to lean on for their expertise (like you… I think through some of your free content in 2018!).
    Expertise and insight gained through a hard won journey is something I never have a problem paying for.

    All the best,

    1. Dennis says:

      Thanks for the thoughtful comment Rodney 🙏

      Seems like we’ve walked a good bit on the same path. And I really resonate with your more recent journey to focus on what matters. Asking the hard question how you want to spend your time an energy are probably the underpinnings of a successful life (personal AND business!)

      Have enjoyed working with you so far, hope to continue that in the years to come!

    2. John Davis G says:

      hello, great insight into your path. I am just learning the basics with Google ads, any pointers on how I can progress faster in my apprenticeship? my objective right now is to aquire the right skills from the right mentors,as I believe that’s the key to achieving my future goals. thank you.

      1. Dennis Moons says:

        Hi John,
        The best suggestion I can give you is to spend as much time as you can in an actual Google Ads account. Then if you come across something you don’t understand, learn what it means.

        Identify some people/ companies you want to learn from and soak up everything they have to offer. Blogs, videos, etc.

        Try to get a job working with these people. As an apprentice or started in an agency can really fuel your progress.

        And if you want to speed things up, you can always take one of our courses!


  3. Fiona says:

    I love this post. I’m on a journey…and want to be earning more because I want to work with people in that mindset. I get fatigued by people with a $30/hr mindset….I’m enjoying your courses and planning to invest in a coaching call one day. On the other side of the world but will work it out. Love you work, Dennis.

    1. Dennis says:

      The mindset shift if the first thing that needs to happen. So you’re on the right track 🙂

      I’ve found that different rates attract different clients. Especially at those lower rates, you tend to attract clients for whom that rate is a little bit of a stretch. That means the chances of them trying to micromanage you go up dramatically.

      Life is better on the other side 😉

      1. Sarah says:

        How long with your coaching can I expect to be earning top dollar per client? I’m a novice and thinking to test google ads out on my current business to see if it’s something I will learn easily and enjoy, do you think that’s a good idea?

        1. Dennis Moons says:

          Hi Sarah,
          If you’re just getting started, you’re probably better off taking one of our courses. Our Google Ads Bootcamp is a great option. You’ll pay less and will have access to much more info than I could cover on a coaching call.

          The coaching is most effective if you’ve been running your own Google Ads campaigns for a while, but have exhausted all of your own ideas. Then a quick call can unlock a new level of growth in your account.

  4. Abdul Basith says:

    I am feeling like, I am just following your steps. I mean, I have done whatever you did until you met Hubert. I haven’t found that Hubert yet for sure. But your perspective of google ads and how it became a growth hacker for your self-growth. Makes me doubt my skills and makes me think, maybe i should learn about google ads.

  5. Carl says:

    Awesome post and a lot to learn from your journey. I am grateful that you share that knowledge with others! 🙂

    I have two own e-commerce brands running at the moment but also do some subcontracting (for google ads agencies) in the time I have left, but with one exception I didn`t get any clients on my own yet. How did you go about getting your first clients on your own and scaling to 18 accounts at once? What would you recommend right now if I want to get my first 10 own clients?
    (I would consider my skill-level with Google Ads as quite high and was able to deliver quality results for a few big “subcontracting clients”.)

    I would greatly appreciate your answer and am looking forward hearing from you! 🙂

    1. Dennis says:

      Hi Carl, that’s great to hear!

      Check out the download that’s part of this article. That should give you some practical ideas on how to get more clients of your own!

  6. ProWeb365 says:

    Thanks Dennis ! Inspiring and actionable content !

    1. Dennis says:

      Glad to hear it was helpful 🙂

  7. Jure says:

    What would you recommend for someone who is at begginer-medium level and is searching for new clients ? How to get clients ? I know by providing good content, but Blog is long-term strategy.
    I’m honestly considering this:
    1. Landing page + Google Ads ? (collect leads, clients)
    2. Publishing Linkedin Articles or post ?
    3. Instagram -creating content ?
    4. What would be your best advice ?

    1. Dennis says:

      Hi Jure,
      Honestly, all of them could work.

      First I would do everything I could (networking & outreach to other service providers) to generate enough money to pay the bills.

      Then with the time that’s left, I would find new clients.
      #1 might get pricey though, so I would try YouTube Ads instead.
      #2 & #3 are solid options, but you will need to be consistent at content + finding ways to promote your account to increase your reach.

      Hope these help!

  8. Hey Dennis,

    Thanks so much for sharing your journey!

    I have a question if you don’t mind.

    Did you ever get to a 4 hour work week while running google ads for clients and if so how did you get there?

    I own a google ads agency and we currently have 10 clients. I’m looking for the right talent to deliver good results but it’s still a struggle.

    Would love to hear you thoughts.

    1. Dennis says:

      Hi Matthew,
      Nice to hear from you!

      The short answer is no, I never got to the 4HWW running ads for clients. I’m not sure if that concept is actually possible with a service business, especially if you’re just starting out.

      In order to work fewer hours (and still deliver the results your clients are paying you for), you need leverage.

      That either comes from people, or tools/software you’re using.

      With people, that will only work at a certain scale. If it’s just you and you hire 1 other person, the numbers simply don’t work. Once you get to 5-10 people, that can work. But if you’ve got a 10-person team, you probably also need someone to manage that, otherwise you’ll be far removed from a 4HWW.

      So it’s say it’s tricky to do this 🙂

  9. Gurcan says:

    Great story, thank you so much that you shared this amazing experience with us.
    I was working many years as a account manager and besides my real job I was learning non stop SEO and SEM. Many years ago I set up google ads for mywife’s nutrition site and I was really surprised with great result that her website was appearing google first page in London and ROI was satisfied.

    I always thought to run my own company and I made decision last week to set up my own site. Firstly I will target Turkish market to gain as much as clients and experience then planning to dive USA and UK market.

    I work more than 15 hours everyday to set up my site as good as possible according my vision.

    I know I am in the beginning new journey but I believe I will be one of the best company in Turkey next 5 years based on my market analysis and I hope also I will take some shares from USA and UK market.

    I wish everyone luck who is as well thinking to start new business in their life.

    All the best

    1. Dennis Moons says:

      Glad you found my journey useful Gurcan!

      What type of business have you started? Also in the client services space?

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